Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The River Island dip hem skirt

Now that the weather is transitioning into autumn and winter, I'm finding that as much as I love the look of skirts and dresses with tights, I can't really get away with the shorter versions any more - unless I want to a) freeze to death or b) give someone an eyeful of my nether regions thanks to a surprise gust of wind, which obviously isn't ideal. That's why I'm loving maxi/dip hem skirts (or asymmetrical hem skirts, high-low skirts, whatever you want to call them.. so many names for one item of clothing! :P) at the moment. Pair them with tights and some nice flats or ankle boots and you can be quite cosy whilst preserving your modesty at the same time.

I got this River Island skirt about a month ago, while it was still warm in fact, but I actually prefer the look of it with tights and flats, which makes it ideal for me at the moment. River Island actually have a few of these skirts in different styles and colours, which I love, so I may repurchase soon. Of course, I paired them with my favourite Topshop flats (are you getting sick of reading about them yet? ;) )

Cropped faux leather jacket: TRF/Zara (from last year)
Black top (not clearly visible): TRF/Zara
Dip hem skirt: River Island (can be found here)
Watch: Michael Kors
Shoes: Topshop studded loafers

The one thing I love about these colder months is sitting inside and snuggling up in front of the TV with a cup of tea, which is what I plan to do now - bliss!

What do you think about this style of skirt for autumn?


  1. Leuk, dit had je aan toen ik je zag he haha! :p

    1. Haha ja klopt! Goed gezien ;) jouw blog is echt leuk btw! :D

    2. Je moet me op facebook maar even van alles leren en uitleggen over het hele bloggebeuren hoor. Ik heb 1 volger zag ik. Hoe volg je een blog? Dan kan ik jou volgen, vind ik wel leuk.

  2. love the skirt! :) xx


    1. Thank you! I'm so happy I bought it, super comfy too :D x

  3. I have those topshop flats and where them all the time too :)


    1. They are so versatile! Will probably have to buy another pair, mine are looking quite battered now :P x

  4. love that skirt!

    from helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. i'm launching a new giveaway to win 30 beauty products tomorrow inc. essie etc. make sure you stop by! :)

    1. Thank you Helen! Ooh will be sure to check out your blog :) x

  5. Love love love the shoes and your hair :) Lovely look. Maybe check out my blog, I think we have a similar style. I've followed you, too.
    If you want to check out mine its neenyswishlist.blogspot.com

    1. Aww thank you Neeny! :) I had a look and I love your blog! We def have a similar style, love your outfits. Followed you! :) x

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