Thursday, 1 November 2012

Latest purchases | bits and bobs

Hello there - Long time no post! Can you believe it's November already? It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year... However, that could just be me getting old(ish).

I've been a bit MIA in the last few weeks, but I'd been 'suffering' from a lack of inspiration (ie; hadn't bought or worn anything of much interest), plus I had a lot of assignments etc to hand in at uni.. I wanted to post this weekend but then I had some internet problems, which meant no internet until yesterday. Don't you hate that? I always feel like I'm 'missing out' on the internet because I can't keep up with my favourite websites and blogs. Haha. Anyway, on to my latest buys. Just to warn you, nothing really exciting as of late.

The first thing I came across was this cute mug from Paperchase. I LOVE Paperchase, and I would quite happily buy all their stationery/goodies if my bank account allowed it, believe me! I love their cute litte notebooks, cards, pens.. all of it. Pure cuteness. They also have a lot of Christmas things in already, gorgeous little sparkly baubles (I WANT) and I almost bought an ever-so-kitsch glittery pink reindeer ornament, but I withheld. ;) For now.

Gingerbread men and animals with Christmas hats? Adorbs.
The next item is something you'll probably have seen on a lot of other blogs. When I saw they sold them in a toy shop just around the corner from me, I got excited but figured they would be quite pricey because of the exchange rate. I decided to have a look because it was nearly a friend's birthday and I thought it was definitely something she'd like. When I discovered they were pretty much cheap as chips (€9,95), I figured why not? I thought I would buy one for myself as well, but they only had one left.. in the box. So I bought that one for my friend's birthday present and they let me buy the shop dummy with a discount. Bonus!

I'm planning to stock up on these for Christmas - I have several younger siblings this would be perfect for, as well as other family members (and friends - one loved this so much she asked me to pick one up for her!). If you're interested, I've seen them in various webshops on the internet, and even on Amazon (link here). They definitely make a lovely gift, even it's just for yourself ;)

Just a short post, I have some more planned for the next few days though so stay tuned! :)

Hope you all had a fun Halloween, I'd love to hear what you did to celebrate?


  1. Aww, that's a sweet mug and the bunny lamp is so cute!! <3 Drop by sometimes and we can follow each other if you want!



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