Saturday, 3 November 2012

Bow wellies

How's that for an unimaginative title? Sorry about that...

One of my good friends kindly offered to take some pictures with her snazzy camera (aka a DSLR) and the difference in quality is amazing. It certainly puts my trusty old Sony Cybershot to shame... The sun was just going under when these were taken and I think the effect it gives is beautiful - the backdrop (recognise it from an earlier post?) looks like it could be straight out of a painting! Reminds me of the fact I really need to save up for a new camera... maybe I could put it on my Christmas wishlist? :)

On to the outfit!

I love these boots so much! Wellingtons are, in my opinion, perfect for this time of year as you can keep warm (just pair with toasty socks) and slosh through puddles - without fear of getting them dirty. Nice wellies of course, not bog standard famer style! These are by Mel and I purchased them on the New Look website; they don't stock this exact style any more, but they do have one that is pretty much the same, except with a different bow (find those here).

Jacket with faux fur collar: TRF/Zara (last year)
Dress (not really visible here): Pony Power dress (one of my favourites!) by Sugarhill Boutique
Bag: Steve Madden

Have a great Saturday night everyone!


  1. These wellies are adorable, lovely outfit.
    Maddie xx

  2. such cute wellies! Nice blog :)

    Sarah x

  3. Aww they're so cute! Love them
    Daniella x

  4. Ah so Autumny! I love it! xo

  5. Hello! Just stumbled upon your blog, it is really beautiful! Those boots with the bow detail are adorable. Followed you! :)

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

  6. Those boots are so cute, perfect for this weather! xx

  7. The wellies are so cute, love them <3


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