Sunday, 18 November 2012

Primark haul

So as the title suggests, I picked up some things from Primark last week. I really should have got the jist of 'Primarking' by now and try to get there early on a day when it won't be as busy, but I never seem to learn, cue getting red-faced and sweaty whilst getting elbowed by fellow shoppers and having items practically ripped out of your hands when eyeing them up. Please tell me I'm not alone in this? :P

Anyway, I still love a bit of Primark whenever I manage to go! I especially love stocking up on their novelty socks - which I, oddly, didn't get any of when I went. The things I did get, though, Í'm very pleased with.

Here's what I bought.
 I don't really own too many jumpers at the moment, although they are very much a necessity - I'm starting to feel the cold. :( I love this one as the colour and print are fun and it's quite a light knit which makes it perfect for layering over a shirt; it also means it won't be too 'bulky' when you wear it under a coat.
This button-up shirt is probably my favourite out of all the things I got - it's a beautiful deep raspberry colour (which seems to be everywhere at the moment) and I love the contrast of the gold studs on the collar. I can see myself wearing this tucked into a high-waisted flowy skirt, once I manage to get my hands on the perfect one - watch this space :)

The last thing I bought is this fur-trimmed swing coat - as you can tell by my previous post I am partial to a bit of faux fur on my coats! It's a deep navy colour and has leather detailing on the shoulders (also faux of course). I was perusing the Topshop website a few days ago and by chance stumbled upon the exact same coat here. So if you like the Topshop coat, definitely check out Primark for a cheaper version - I paid 31 euros for mine, which is roughly 25 pounds. I'm not sure how closely the Primark collections here follow the ones in the UK, but hopefully it should still be available.
That's all for now. :) Hope you're all having a great Sunday evening.

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