Sunday, 18 November 2012

Primark haul

So as the title suggests, I picked up some things from Primark last week. I really should have got the jist of 'Primarking' by now and try to get there early on a day when it won't be as busy, but I never seem to learn, cue getting red-faced and sweaty whilst getting elbowed by fellow shoppers and having items practically ripped out of your hands when eyeing them up. Please tell me I'm not alone in this? :P

Anyway, I still love a bit of Primark whenever I manage to go! I especially love stocking up on their novelty socks - which I, oddly, didn't get any of when I went. The things I did get, though, Í'm very pleased with.

Here's what I bought.
 I don't really own too many jumpers at the moment, although they are very much a necessity - I'm starting to feel the cold. :( I love this one as the colour and print are fun and it's quite a light knit which makes it perfect for layering over a shirt; it also means it won't be too 'bulky' when you wear it under a coat.
This button-up shirt is probably my favourite out of all the things I got - it's a beautiful deep raspberry colour (which seems to be everywhere at the moment) and I love the contrast of the gold studs on the collar. I can see myself wearing this tucked into a high-waisted flowy skirt, once I manage to get my hands on the perfect one - watch this space :)

The last thing I bought is this fur-trimmed swing coat - as you can tell by my previous post I am partial to a bit of faux fur on my coats! It's a deep navy colour and has leather detailing on the shoulders (also faux of course). I was perusing the Topshop website a few days ago and by chance stumbled upon the exact same coat here. So if you like the Topshop coat, definitely check out Primark for a cheaper version - I paid 31 euros for mine, which is roughly 25 pounds. I'm not sure how closely the Primark collections here follow the ones in the UK, but hopefully it should still be available.
That's all for now. :) Hope you're all having a great Sunday evening.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Bow wellies

How's that for an unimaginative title? Sorry about that...

One of my good friends kindly offered to take some pictures with her snazzy camera (aka a DSLR) and the difference in quality is amazing. It certainly puts my trusty old Sony Cybershot to shame... The sun was just going under when these were taken and I think the effect it gives is beautiful - the backdrop (recognise it from an earlier post?) looks like it could be straight out of a painting! Reminds me of the fact I really need to save up for a new camera... maybe I could put it on my Christmas wishlist? :)

On to the outfit!

I love these boots so much! Wellingtons are, in my opinion, perfect for this time of year as you can keep warm (just pair with toasty socks) and slosh through puddles - without fear of getting them dirty. Nice wellies of course, not bog standard famer style! These are by Mel and I purchased them on the New Look website; they don't stock this exact style any more, but they do have one that is pretty much the same, except with a different bow (find those here).

Jacket with faux fur collar: TRF/Zara (last year)
Dress (not really visible here): Pony Power dress (one of my favourites!) by Sugarhill Boutique
Bag: Steve Madden

Have a great Saturday night everyone!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Latest purchases | bits and bobs

Hello there - Long time no post! Can you believe it's November already? It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year... However, that could just be me getting old(ish).

I've been a bit MIA in the last few weeks, but I'd been 'suffering' from a lack of inspiration (ie; hadn't bought or worn anything of much interest), plus I had a lot of assignments etc to hand in at uni.. I wanted to post this weekend but then I had some internet problems, which meant no internet until yesterday. Don't you hate that? I always feel like I'm 'missing out' on the internet because I can't keep up with my favourite websites and blogs. Haha. Anyway, on to my latest buys. Just to warn you, nothing really exciting as of late.

The first thing I came across was this cute mug from Paperchase. I LOVE Paperchase, and I would quite happily buy all their stationery/goodies if my bank account allowed it, believe me! I love their cute litte notebooks, cards, pens.. all of it. Pure cuteness. They also have a lot of Christmas things in already, gorgeous little sparkly baubles (I WANT) and I almost bought an ever-so-kitsch glittery pink reindeer ornament, but I withheld. ;) For now.

Gingerbread men and animals with Christmas hats? Adorbs.
The next item is something you'll probably have seen on a lot of other blogs. When I saw they sold them in a toy shop just around the corner from me, I got excited but figured they would be quite pricey because of the exchange rate. I decided to have a look because it was nearly a friend's birthday and I thought it was definitely something she'd like. When I discovered they were pretty much cheap as chips (€9,95), I figured why not? I thought I would buy one for myself as well, but they only had one left.. in the box. So I bought that one for my friend's birthday present and they let me buy the shop dummy with a discount. Bonus!

I'm planning to stock up on these for Christmas - I have several younger siblings this would be perfect for, as well as other family members (and friends - one loved this so much she asked me to pick one up for her!). If you're interested, I've seen them in various webshops on the internet, and even on Amazon (link here). They definitely make a lovely gift, even it's just for yourself ;)

Just a short post, I have some more planned for the next few days though so stay tuned! :)

Hope you all had a fun Halloween, I'd love to hear what you did to celebrate?